A Guide to Guided Reading (An open invitation of vulnerability for my phonics colleagues)
A Guide to Guided Reading (An open invitation of vulnerability for my phonics colleagues) ©Google Images By Cameron Carter It’s 9:00 a.m., and I’ve just sat down with my first guided reading group of the day. The children know the expectations, as they have been modeled for months. As I get my anecdotal notes ready from the previous day’s discussion, the children get started rereading the text in their brains. I immediately begin quickly doing an informal running record on a few students to see how they are coming along with the text. A child comes across a challenging word in the text: Teacher (T): (provides a few seconds of wait time for the child to try and solve) Student (S): (student first looks at the photo/illustration, then immediately checks the letters to look for parts and/or chunks in the word that he/she may know, and finally looks at me… NOTE: this whole process happens very quickly) (T): Check the letters and look for parts you know from Fun...